Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

 Kebelakangan ni, macam2 isu mengenai nasib para pelajar perubatan di Malaysia kerana lambakan jumlah pelajar yg mengambil bidang ini dan kehadiran fakulti perubatan di kolej-kolej swasta ibarat cendawan tumbuh selepas hujan. Di Hospital Ipoh tempat sy buat latihan klinikal tahun 3 pun, dh terlalu ramai doktor houseman (HO) ditambah lagi kitorang student medic ni. Patient pun dh penat nk menjawab pertanyaan setiap pelajar yg dtg kepada mereka. Bukan sorang je, kadang2 lebih dari 10. Saya dh berpengalaman lebih kurang 3-4 kali ditolak untuk menemu ramah sbb dh terlalu ramai dtg kepada patient tu. Ada pulak, Chinese yg tak fasih berbahasa Malaysia. Communication barrier pulak. Hmm.. Tapi ward sentiasa crowded dgn student,terutamanya nursing dan MA students ditambah lg dgn medic students..

Bawah ni,ada link artikel daripada tumbrl seorang doktor perubatan mengenai peningkatan jumlah masa kerja pegawai perubatan siswazah (HO):

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

 Alhamdulillah, I'm already 21 year old on 4th June 2013.. Thank you to Allah for lending the air for me to breath since I was born from the womb of a great mother. After the fertilisation of ovum and sperm of a father; it implanted to the wall of uterus, developed well in my mother's uterus and on 3.08 pm of 4th June 1992, I was introduced to this world. May Allah bless them, amiin :')

 Here are the pictures of last night birthday celebration :

4 girls on the top are the birthday girls; from left: 
Gabb (10th June), Yusra (19th May), Mia (23rd May), Me (4th June)

Friends <3

Birthday girl with birthday girls ;)

Le Housemates :)

On my birthday, there was an 'usrah' with akhawat at RI Kawthar which was the same place I celebrated my first birthday with friends last year, and they also bought a cake for me.

With my murabbi, kak Hidayah <3

May our friendship last forever and together we achieve our ambition to be a doctor.. Insya Allah.

p/s: A year added means a year close to death. Please repent before it already late to do so. Reminder to myself.

Monday, May 20, 2013



 Just a short writing here. 8 weeks Public Health posting are finally meets their end. Thank you to my group members of Field Residential Programme (FRP), group 3 for every hardwork, cooperation, laugh, and best moments we had together through thick and thin. :')

Next week, we start our new journey to Basic Clinical Course with new groupmates (only some of us) p/s: Oh My English!! :O

Friday, February 22, 2013


Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Saya mulakan dgn ungkapan puji-pujian kpd ALLAH S.W.T. Alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah thumma alhamdulillah. Syukur Ya Allah, kerana Kau memakbulkan permintaan hamba-Mu ini. Sesungguhnya, saya termasuk dlm senarai 12 org terakhir yg lulus. Ya Allah. Hanya atas pagar! Tersilap langkah, saya bakal tersungkur. Namun, Allah telah meletakkan saya sebagai calon lulus tetapi di tahap yg agak rumit supaya saya sedar dan akan lebih berusaha di masa hadapan.

Buat sahabat yg perlu mengulang peperiksaan, teruskan usaha anda! Insya Allah, doa daripada kami mengiringi kejayaan kalian. Insya Allah, kita akan sama2 melangkah ke tahun 3, tahun klinikal yg lebih mencabar. 

Aamiin :')

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....  

Lets count down!! Today is 18th January 2013. 




18 FEBRUARY 2013

Please pray for my success! :)